Please carefully read the information below before filling out the form.
Absences which are not verified by parent contact with the office within 2 days will be viewed as unexcused. Once a student reaches 3 consecutive absences (excused or unexcused), doctor verification/supporting document is required for additional absences to be considered excused. A student may be considered for retention if they have missed more than 10% of instructional days in an academic year.
Completing this form will eliminate the need for you to call or email on the day of the absence. The form does not automatically correct the attendance. It is manually entered, therefore please allow up to 5 days for the update.
Q: Who determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused?
A: The school administration determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused based on the reasons recognized by the State Board of Education.
Q: What are the valid reasons for an excused absence?
A: The following are valid reasons for an excused absence:
- Personal Illness or Injury (Up to 2 days without doctor's notification. More than 2 days requires a doctor's note)
- Medical or Dental Appointment (Upload Medical Appt note to this request within 2 days of the appt - DO NOT SEND NOTES THROUGH EMAIL).
- Serious Illness or Death of Immediate Family Member (Upload an explanatory note from your parent/doctor when you return).
- Quarantine (Supporting Documents Required).
- Court or administrative proceedings (Supporting Documents Required).
- Educational opportunity (Requires pre-approval from school principal- Upload Approved Form).
- Religious Observances (2 per year, More Information Required)